Lake George Battlefield Park Alliance Donation Gifts

As our way of saying “thank you” to those who make special donations to the Lake George Battlefield Park Alliance, we’re offering the following gifts of special Park-related materials:
$20+ Donation: Box of 10 note cards featuring Ernest Haas’s painting of the Park’s landscape as it appeared in 1759.
$25+ Donation: A reproduction of Samuel Blodget’s contemporary map (roughly 11-1/2″ x 14-5/8″) of the Battle of Lake George.
$30+ Donation: A Lake George Battlefield Park Alliance baseball cap.
$35+ Donation: A copy of the late David Starbuck’s final book, privately published.
I would like to donate an amount other than above, and no gift necessary.
*Includes shipping/handling costs.
The Board of Trustees of the Lake George Battlefield Park Alliance deeply appreciates your generosity. It is making a difference!